Does this the pregnancy calculator show the exact conceived date? Generally nothing is 100% accurate. Our date of conception is just an estimate as is our due date. It ovulation occurs once a month, and on average about Fourteen days after the first day of your last period. It ovulation lasts anyway from Twelve-Twenty-four hours, Forty-eight hours at the most. However, sperm can live in the vagina for five days. So unless you know the exact day that you ovulated and only had sex one time or so, there is no Method to be exact. Some woman ovulate earlier in the cycle and some later, so again, it is just an estimate. How accurate is the pregnancy test calculator wheel the doctor use is? The accuracy of the wheel is based on the accuracy of knowing your cycle, they usually set it to Twenty-eight day cycle, or if you let them know you are different it will change, it has been beautiful accurate for me but ultrasound is the best that and the measurement of your uterus! Two pr...